Tag: Aftermath

Atomized Incorporation Chinese Workers and the Aftermath of China’s Rise

Free Download Atomized Incorporation: Chinese Workers and the Aftermath of China’s Rise
English | 2023 | ISBN: 1009161202 | 276 Pages | PDF | 2 MB
Atomized Incorporation examines why the Chinese regime selectively tolerates workers’ collective action within single factories and what this means for the country’s long-term political resilience. It investigates the implications of state-labor relations in contemporary China and suggests that it has evolved away from overt coercion to limited incorporation. Based on two years of in-depth fieldwork, Rho uncovers how ordinary workers think, believe, and behave in this changing socio-political environment. She demonstrates that labor grievances have become more politicized and finds that the current approach to economic grievance resolutions demobilizes the emergence of labor movements by rewarding those with collective action resources within individual workplaces. Rho argues that though this limited state of incorporation allows workers to express discontent at wages and working conditions, it also denies them the opportunity to make claims about structural problems and does not effectively enhance political loyalty in the long run.


Hollywood Math and Aftermath The Economic Image and the Digital Recession

Free Download J.D. Connor, "Hollywood Math and Aftermath: The Economic Image and the Digital Recession"
English | ISBN: 1501314386 | 2018 | 328 pages | PDF | 17 MB
Money is Hollywood’s great theme-but money laundered into something else, something more. Money can be given a particular occasion and career, as box office receipts, casino winnings, tax credits, stock prices, lotteries, inheritances. Or money can become number, and numbers can be anything: pixels, batting averages, votes, likes. Through explorations of all these and more, J.D. Connor’s Hollywood Math and Aftermath provides a stimulating and original take on "the equation of pictures," the relationship between Hollywood and economics since the 1970s.
