Tag: Analysis

Stability Analysis of Earth Slopes

Free Download Stability Analysis of Earth Slopes by Yang H. Huang
English | PDF | 1983 | 308 Pages | ISBN : 1468466046 | 22.2 MB
During the past several years I have been engaged in applied research related to the stability analysis of slopes. This research was supported by the Institute for Mining and Minerals Research, University of Kentucky, in response to the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, which requires stability analysis for refuse dams, hollow fills, and spoil banks created by surface mining. The results of the research have been published in several journals and reports and also presented in a number of short courses. Both the sim plified and the computerized methods of stability analysis, as developed from this research, have been widely used by practicing engineers throughout Ken tucky for the application of mining permits. The large number of out-of-state participants in the short courses indicates that the methods developed have widespread applications. This book is a practical treatise on the stability analysis of earth slopes. Special emphasis is placed on the utility and application of stablity formulas, charts, and computer programs developed recently by the author for the analy sis of human-created slopes. These analyses can be used for the design of new slopes and the assessment of remedial measures on existing slopes. To make the book more complete as a treatise on slope stability analysis, other methods of stability analysis, in addition to those developed by the author, are briefly discussed. It is hoped that this book will be a useful reference, class room text, and users’ manual for people interested in learning about stability analysis.


Foundations In Applied Nuclear Engineering Analysis (2nd Edition)

Free Download Foundations In Applied Nuclear Engineering Analysis (2nd Edition)
English | 2015 | ISBN: 9814630926 | 403 Pages | PDF (True) | 13 MB
Foundations in Applied Nuclear Engineering Analysis (2nd Edition) covers a fast-paced one semester course to address concepts of modeling in mathematics, engineering analysis, and computational problem solving needed in subjects such as radiation interactions, heat transfer, reactor physics, radiation transport, numerical modeling, etc., for success in a nuclear engineering/medical physics curriculum. While certain topics are covered tangentially, others are covered in depth to target on the appropriate amalgam of topics for success in navigating nuclear-related disciplines. Software examples and programming are used throughout the book, since computational capabilities are essential for new engineers.The book contains a array of topics that cover the essential subjects expected for students to successfully navigate into nuclear-related disciplines. The text assumes that students have familiarity with undergraduate mathematics and physics, and are ready to apply those skills to problems in nuclear engineering. Applications and problem sets are directed toward problems in nuclear science. Software examples using Mathematica software are used in the text.This text was developed as part of a very applied course in mathematical physics methods for nuclear engineers. The course in Nuclear Engineering Analysis that follows this text began at the University of Florida; the 2nd edition was released while at the Georgia Institute of Technology.


Peace in the Holy Land An Historical Analysis of the Palestine Problem

Free Download Peace in the Holy Land: An Historical Analysis of the Palestine Problem by John Glubb
English | December 1, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DFWFPPNJ | 356 pages | EPUB | 1.54 Mb
The Babylonian and Roman wars, the Muslim conquests, the Crusades – long before the Israeli-Palestinian conflict emerged in the twentieth century and which persists to this day, the Near East has been a cauldron of conflict.


Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization for Space-Ground Integrated Networks

Free Download Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization for Space-Ground Integrated Networks
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031772776 | 155 Pages | PDF (True) | 7.3 MB
This book delves into the burgeoning field of space-ground integrated networks (SGINs), focusing on the evolution, architecture and application scenarios of large satellite constellations. As global communication demands surge, the next-generation SGINs are transitioning towards large-scale, hyperscale, and hierarchical constellations to address diverse user needs, such as ultra-long-haul, high-speed and instantaneous communications. Through an in-depth exploration of network working principles, traffic and link modeling, and performance analysis and optimization methods, this book offers substantial guidance to readers. It aims to uncover pathways for enhancing network service capability and to establish a solid theoretical foundation for the future development of mega-satellite constellations within the SGIN framework.


Application of Finite Element Analysis for Fracture and Damage Mechanics

Free Download Application of Finite Element Analysis for Fracture and Damage Mechanics
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1032967978 | 195 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 47 MB
Application of Finite Element Analysis for Fracture and Damage Mechanics focuses on the finite element analysis of various material models and their relevant fracture and damage models using this advanced software. The book consists of three parts: Part I introduces the various material models, Part II highlights the finite element modeling of their relevant fracture parameters, and Part III deals with various material damage models. Each part begins with a simple problem with theoretical results compared with finite element results to help readers understand the numerical simulation results.


Patterns in Past Settlements Geospatial Analysis of Imprints of Cultural Heritage on Landscapes

Free Download Patterns in Past Settlements: Geospatial Analysis of Imprints of Cultural Heritage on Landscapes by M.B. Rajani
English | EPUB | 2021 | 184 Pages | ISBN : 9811574650 | 201.6 MB
This book is an introduction to a new branch of archaeology that scrutinises landscapes to find evidence of past human activity. Such evidence can be hard to detect at ground-level, but may be visible in remote sensing (RS) imagery from aerial platforms and satellites.


Mechanical Vibrations Types, Testing and Analysis

Free Download Amy L. Galloway, "Mechanical Vibrations: Types, Testing and Analysis"
English | ISBN: 1616682175 | 2011 | 412 pages | PDF | 10 MB
Mechanical vibrations are the continuing motion, repetitive and often periodic, of a solid or liquid body within certain spatial limits. This book examines the study of vibratory phenomena during mechanical grape harvesting, and the utility of mechanical vibration methods for studying physical properties of solid materials.


Frans Hals or not Frans Hals Connoisseurship, Technical Analysis and Digital Tools

Free Download Frans Hals or not Frans Hals: Connoisseurship, Technical Analysis and Digital Tools by Anna Tummers , Robert G. Erdmann
English | EPUB (True) | 2025 | 288 Pages | ISBN : 3031594886 | 387.1 MB
Frans Hals is hailed as one of the three greatest painters of the Dutch seventeenth century along with Rembrandt and Vermeer. Of all seventeenth-century Dutch painters, Frans Hals is also the most controversial in as far as the exact scope of his oeuvre is concerned. Hals’s popularity, the lack of technical reference material as well as the differing views among experts as to the exact scope of his oeuvre make works in his style prone to doubts and misattributions. It has led to fierce debates and legal battles about the attribution of paintings done in his style.
