Tag: Collected

Delphi Collected Paintings of Edvard Munch (2024)

Free Download Edvard Munch, Peter Russell, "Delphi Collected Paintings of Edvard Munch"
English | 2017 | ASIN: B071LLCV4M | EPUB | pages: 2143 | 96.4 mb
The Norwegian painter Edvard Munch produced some of the most intensely evocative images of modern art. Building upon nineteenth century Symbolism and greatly influencing German Expressionism, masterpieces such as ‘The Scream’ have left a lasting impression on the history of art. Munch’s harrowing and unique paintings present a paranoid, troubled world, revealing the importance of art for expressing human experience. Delphi’s Masters of Art Series presents the world’s first digital e-Art books, allowing readers to explore the works of great artists in comprehensive detail. This volume presents Munch’s complete pre-1923 works in beautiful detail, with concise introductions, hundreds of high quality images and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1)


Collected Papers of John Milnor, IV Homotopy, Homology and Manifolds

Free Download John W. Milnor, John McCleary, "Collected Papers of John Milnor, IV: Homotopy, Homology and Manifolds"
English | 2009 | ISBN: 082184475X | DJVU | pages: 368 | 6.2 mb
The development of algebraic topology in the 1950’s and 1960’s was deeply influenced by the work of Milnor. In this collection of papers the reader finds those original papers and some previously unpublished works. The book is divided into four parts: Homotopy Theory, Homology and Cohomology, Manifolds, and Expository Papers. Introductions to each part provide some historical context and subsequent development. Of particular interest are the articles on classifying spaces, the Steenrod algebra, the introductory notes on foliations and the surveys of work on the Poincare conjecture. Together with the previously published volumes I-III of the Collected Works by John Milnor, volume IV provides a rich portion of the most important developments in geometry and topology from those decades. This volume is highly recommended to a broad mathematical audience, and, in particular, to young mathematicians who will certainly benefit from their acquaintance with Milnor’s mode of thinking and writing.


Collected Papers of John Milnor, II The Fundamental Group

Free Download John Milnor, "Collected Papers of John Milnor, II: The Fundamental Group"
English | 2009 | ISBN: 0821848755 | DJVU | pages: 302 | 3.9 mb
This volume contains papers of one of the best modern geometers and topologists, John Milnor, on various topics related to the notion of the fundamental group. The volume contains sixteen papers divided into four parts: Knot theory, Free actions on spheres, Torsion, and Three-dimensional manifolds. Each part is preceded by an introduction containing the author’s comments on further development of the subject. Although some of the papers were written quite a while ago, they appear more modern than many of today’s publications. Milnor’s excellent, clear, and laconic style makes the book a real treat. This volume is highly recommended to a broad mathematical audience, and, in particular, to young mathematicians who will certainly benefit from their acquaintance with Milnor’s mode of thinking and writing.


Collected Papers of John Milnor V. Algebra

Free Download Hyman Bass, T. Y. Lam, "Collected Papers of John Milnor: V. Algebra"
English | 2010 | ISBN: 0821848763 | DJVU | pages: 425 | 6.0 mb
In addition to his seminal work in topology, John Milnor is also an accomplished algebraist, producing a spectacular agenda-setting body of work related to algebraic $K$-theory and quadratic forms during the five year period 1965-1970. These papers, together with other (some of them previously unpublished) works in algebra are assembled here in this fifth volume of Milnor’s Collected Papers. They constitute not only an important historical archive, but also, thanks to the clarity and elegance of Milnor’s mathematical exposition, a valuable resource for work in the fields treated. In addition, Milnor’s papers are complemented by detailed surveys on the current state of the field in two areas. One is on the congruence subgroup problem, by Gopal Prasad and Andrei Rapinchuk. The other is on algebraic $K$-theory and quadratic forms, by Alexander Merkurjev.


Psychologies of Mind The Collected Papers of John Maze

Free Download Rachael Henry, "Psychologies of Mind: The Collected Papers of John Maze"
English | 2012 | pages: 385 | ISBN: 144118161X, 0826435513 | PDF | 1,0 mb
John Maze was a giant among philosophers of psychology.Thisexciting, newcollection of his published work demonstrates that what is seemingly new in psychology is so often not new at all but frequently consists of ill-informed corruptions of earlier, discarded, misguided attempts. Their collection together is timely in the current, innovatory era of cross-disciplinary exploration and integration on the borderlands of psychology and philosophy, where there is a visible danger that the welcome loosening of barriers to mutual communication also generates some ‘wild’ theorizing, familiar enough in the history of psychology itself. A corpus remarkable for its coherence, intellectual virtuosity and radicalism over 50 years, it speaks meaningfully to the wide range of psychological theory throughout its history up to the present day. Written with elegance and eloquence, the essays entail a thoroughgoing critical analysis of the most detrimental philosophical erroers of academic psychology in the 20th century, the relegation to history by the 20th century academy of some of the conceptually most promising lines of research, the cost that has been borne by the discipline of psychology, and the most promising future direction for the discipline.


Max Weber Collected Methodological Writings

Free Download Hans Henrik Bruun, Sam Whimster, "Max Weber: Collected Methodological Writings"
English | 2012 | pages: 566 | ISBN: 0415478987 | EPUB | 2,7 mb
Weber’s methodological writings form the bedrock of key ideas across the social sciences. His discussion of value freedom and value commitment, causality, understanding and explanation, theory building and ideal types have been of fundamental importance, and their impact remains undiminished today. These ideas influence the current research practice of sociologists, historians, economists and political scientists and are central to debates in the philosophy of social science. But, until now, Weber’s extensive writings on methodology have lacked a comprehensive publication.


Confusion To Our Enemies Collected Journalism of Arnold Kemp (1939-2002)

Free Download Arnold Kemp, "Confusion To Our Enemies: Collected Journalism of Arnold Kemp (1939-2002)"
English | 2012 | pages: 224 | ISBN: 1906000190 | EPUB | 0,9 mb
From the Foreword by Professor Tom Arnold Kemp, one of the greatest of Scottish journalists and editors of the 20th century, died prematurely at the age of 63 in 2002. He edited The Herald with memorable elan and panache between 1981 and 1994 and his prolific writings also regularly graced the pages of the Scotsman, the Guardian and the Observer in a career which spanned more than four decades from the year he began his first job in journalism in 1959 as a sub-editor on the Scotsman, fresh out of Edinburgh University. Kemp left behind him a rich personal but un-catalogued archive of newspaper articles, chapters in books and opinion pieces.These have now been expertly harvested and selected by his daughter, Jackie. Reading them, it is clear that her father was a master of his trade, and that his published work provides a perceptive and illuminating guide to the key historical events of his lifetime in Scotland.This book encompasses the arly rise of nationalism, the traumatic de-industrialisation and then transformation of the economy in the 1980s, the impact of the Thatcher governments on Scotland, the halting progress toward devolution and then the successful establishment of the Scottish Parliament in the last decade of the century. These events and others are all recorded here, not in the arid descriptive prose of the chronicler, but with the eloquence, punch and insight for which Kemp was noted. As a result the recent Scottish past is brought alive in an engaging and highly readable fashion. The immediacy of the reportage, the sense of a writer who, because of his journalistic and editorial eminence knew all the principal actors involved and was close to the unfolding of great events, are all plainly evident to the reader. But Kemp also scorns mediocrity, incompetence, humbug and hypocrisy in the political and cultural life of the nation and several of the excerpts are also fair and balanced judgements, perhaps most notably in the evaluation of the impact of Margaret Thatcher on Scotland. There is a liveliness and breadth in the writing, redolent of Kemp’s own personal wide international horizons, his travels in America and Europe, love of conviviality and the craic. The passion for life shines through. This is an important text for anyone wishing to come to a fuller understanding of how Scotland developed from the dark days of the Second World War to the current debates over independence. It is also a hugely enjoyable read which many will savour with interest and delight for its own sake.


Ancient Music in Antiquity and Beyond Collected Essays

Free Download Egert Pöhlmann, "Ancient Music in Antiquity and Beyond: Collected Essays"
English | 2020 | pages: 322 | ASIN: B08DMMYWHD | PDF | 7,5 mb
Seit der Renaissance bemüht sich die Altertumswissenschaft um die Wiedergewinnung der antiken Musik, die erst durch Papyrusfunde des 19. und 20. Jh.s wieder wirklich greifbar geworden ist. Der vorliegende Band mit ausgewählten Schriften von Egert Pöhlmann beleuchtet diverse Bereiche, die in diesen Prozess der Wiedergewinnung einfließen, darunter eine Abhandlung zur Oralen Tradition griechischer Musik bei Ps.Plutarch, Aufsätze zur Musik in den Werken des Aristophanes, eine Abhandlung zu den ambrosianischen Hymnen und dem Einfluss römischer Musik in der Spätantike sowie auch eine Schrift zur Tradition antiker griechischer Musik im Mittelalter und in der Renaissance. Somit bildet diese Sammlung einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Fortleben der antiken Musik und Literatur.
