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Can You Make a Change in Your Life Like This?
Jobless -> Happily Employed
C and D Student -> Honor Roll
Physical weakling -> Human Dynamo
Addicted to tobacco, etc. -> Free of Addictions
Lousy athlete or coach -> Winning Athlete or Coach
Wannabe writer -> International best-selling author
Procrastinator -> Someone who gets things done
Deeply in Debt -> Multi-millionaire
Fearful -> Fearless
Nervous Tension -> Peace of Mind
Dear Friend,
In just a few moments I am going to “bare my soul by telling you a series of intensely personal stories about my life. As I relate them to you, I will do far more than tell you about my success I will introduce you to your own.
But before we go there, let me ask: How would you like to go through each and every day with an over-powering feeling of success coursing through your veins? How would you like to attract success to yourself like bits of steel drawn to a magnet?
How would you like to end ALL self-sabotage once and for all? To blast through ANY and ALL obstacles? To overcome fear, guilt, worry, self-doubt as well as the pangs of previous mistakes and failures? To achieve anything and everything you earnestly desire from life faster and easier than most people can possibly believe?
