Tag: God

Types, Tableaus, and Gödel’s God

Free Download Types, Tableaus, and Gödel’s God By Melvin Fitting (auth.)
2002 | 181 Pages | ISBN: 9401039127 | PDF | 5 MB
Gödel’s modal ontological argument is the centrepiece of an extensive examination of intensional logic. First, classical type theory is presented semantically, tableau rules for it are introduced, and the Prawitz/Takahashi completeness proof is given. Then modal machinery is added, semantically and through tableau rules, to produce a modified version of Montague/Gallin intensional logic. Extensionality, rigidity, equality, identity, and definite descriptions are investigated. Finally, various ontological proofs for the existence of God are discussed informally, and the Gödel argument is fully formalized. Objections to the Gödel argument are examined, including one due to Howard Sobel showing Gödel’s assumptions are so strong that the modal logic collapses. It is shown that this argument depends critically on whether properties are understood intensionally or extensionally.Parts of the book are mathematical, parts philosophical. A reader interested in (modal) type theory can safely skip ontological issues, just as one interested in Gödel’s argument can omit the more mathematical portions, such as the completeness proof for tableaus. There should be something for everybody (and perhaps everything for somebody).


The Feats of the Knowers of God (Manaqeb Al-‘arefin) (transl. John O’Kane)

Free Download The Feats of the Knowers of God: (Manaqeb Al-‘arefin) (transl. John O’Kane) By Shams al-Din Ahmad-e Aflaki
2001 | 790 Pages | ISBN: 9004121323 | PDF | 38 MB
This is a 14th-century biography of the famous Persian mystic poet and ‘Knower of God’, Jalāl al-Dīn-e Rūmī, in the form of a large compendium of Sufi-style teaching stories. It was commissioned by a grandson about fifty years after Rūmī’s death. The author-compiler, Aflākī, includes chapters on Bahā’-e Valad (Rūmī’s father), Shams al-Dīn-e Tabrīzī (Rūmī’s great love), Solṭān Valad and Amīr ‘Āref (Rūmī’s son and grandson), and other transmitters of the spiritual Heritage of the Mowlavī dervish order. The protagonists are portrayed as performing miracles and confronting critics and rivals. Circumstantial detail abounds, thus providing one of our few windows onto social and political life during the Saljūq and Mongol period in Asia Minor. The translation has an extensive index of persons and concepts to assist readers and students.


How to Know God Exists Solid Reasons to Believe in God, Discover Truth, and Find Meaning in Your Life

Free Download How to Know God Exists: Solid Reasons to Believe in God, Discover Truth, and Find Meaning in Your Life by Josh D. McDowell, Thomas Williams
English | November 22, 2022 | ISBN: 1496461223 | 288 pages | PDF | 4.24 Mb
Three questions are etched into everyone’s subconscious: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? Josh McDowell and Thomas Williams team up to show why nothing short of God answers these questions. But the problem is that in today’s secularized culture, God has largely been banished.


God Has Chosen The Doctrine of Election Through Christian History

Free Download God Has Chosen: The Doctrine of Election Through Christian History By Mark R. Lindsay
2020 | 248 Pages | ISBN: 0830853227 | PDF | 5 MB
Among the traditional tenets of the Christian faith is the belief that God chooses or elects people for salvation. For some Christians, such an affirmation is an indication of God’s sovereign and perfect will. For others, such a notion is troubling for it seems to downplay the significance of human agency and choice. Throughout the church’s history, Christians have sought to understand the meaning of relevant biblical texts and debated this theological conundrum. With care and insight, theologian Mark Lindsay surveys the development of the Christian doctrine of election. After exploring Scripture on this theme, he turns to the various articulations of this doctrine from the early church fathers, including Augustine, and medieval theologians such as Aquinas, to John Calvin’s view, the subsequent debate between Calvinists and Arminians, Karl Barth’s modern reconception of the doctrine, and reflections on election in the shadow of the Holocaust. On this journey through the Bible and church history, readers will discover how Christians have understood the affirmation that God has chosen.


EXPOSING Lies We Believe About God How the Author of The Shack Is Deceiving Millions of Christians Again

Free Download EXPOSING Lies We Believe About God: How the Author of The Shack Is Deceiving Millions of Christians Again By James B. De Young, Th.D.
2018 | 251 Pages | ISBN: 1622456033 | EPUB | 1 MB
For years, there has been uncertainty regarding Paul Young’s The Shack. Some have suspected heresy but have been unable to pin down exactly what Paul Young believed. James De Young, Th.D., who has known Paul Young for a couple decades, wrote Burning Down the Shack to expose Christians to the fact that Paul Young espoused universalism. Now "the cat is out of the bag." In his newest book, Lies We Believe about God, Young blatantly confesses adherence to universal reconciliation, as well as twenty-seven other beliefs that are heretical. Here are some of Paul Young’s unbiblical claims: God is not in control of everythingGod submits to human beingsGod is a ChristianGod is a sexual being, equally male and femalePeople do not need to get savedSin and hell do not separate people from GodThe cross was man’s idea, not God’sPeople have a second chance to believe after deathEveryone is a child of GodUniversal reconciliation has been accomplished for all peopleThe God of evangelical faith tortured his child, Jesus, and is the perpetrator of evilDrawing upon his life-long teaching of the Bible and the original languages, James De Young appeals to the Bible to expose Paul Young as a heretic. In appendices, he also furnishes proof that Paul Young violates the Nicene Creed and the beliefs of the early church father Athanasius. Finally, we have a book written by one who is both personally and academically qualified to expose the true nature of Young’s writings. De Young will empower you to: Discover the heresy in Young’s book, Lies We Believe About GodExpand your ability to answer the lies found in universal reconciliationEnhance your capacity to discern between the truth and falsehoodStrengthen your confidence in the truth of the BibleAbout the AuthorJames B. De Young, Th.D., is senior professor of New Testament Language and Literature at Western Seminary, Portland, Oregon, where he has taught NT Greek and related courses for over forty years. His training includes Moody Bible Institute (diploma), East Texas Baptist University (BA), Talbot Theological Seminary (BD, Th.M.), and Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.D.). He has been a regular contributor to the Evangelical Theological Society. He has ministered abroad in Mexico, Europe, and Afghanistan. He has served at Damascus Community Church since 1971. James and his wife, Patricia Ann, live on a small farm in Damascus, Oregon. They have four children and twelve grandchildren, all living in the area.James De Young has spent his life teaching the Bible and biblical languages. He is dedicated to empowering Christians to discern and apply biblical truth in an increasingly pluralistic culture. This has been his focus in all of his articles and various books, including those on biblical interpretation, homosexuality, Islam, women in ministry, submission to the state, and in his Burning Down the Shack. Since 2004, James has written to expose universal reconciliation as a heresy.
