Tag: Le

Le cose della vita

Free Download Le cose della vita
Italiano | 2021 | ISBN: 8831312766 | 94 Pages | EPUB | 0.5 MB
Sono le undici del mattino. Sulla Nazionale 13 che collega Parigi a Rennes, la MG 1100 procede a centoquaranta chilometri all’ora in direzione dell’ampio curvone della località chiamata La Providence. Alla radio, la voce di Charles Trenet canta una vecchia canzone, Revoir Paris. Il riverbero del sole fa brillare sull’asfalto le tracce lasciate da un acquazzone di fine estate e riaccende nella memoria dell’uomo al volante i primi istanti di un amore lontano. Nella tasca della giacca, una lettera da non spedire. L’uomo fa il gesto di accendersi una sigaretta; non immagina quanto due soli secondi possano essere decisivi, e modificare senz’appello il corso degli eventi.Con la maestria di un perfetto cineasta, Paul Guimard orchestra una densa narrazione a metà strada tra la vita e la morte, in cui si alternano l’emergenza del presente e i ricordi lontani, il sovrapporsi delle voci e le impressioni di profumi perduti.


Le Cancer du rein

Free Download Le Cancer du rein by Stéphane Culine , Jean-Jacques Patard
Français | PDF | 2007 | 203 Pages | ISBN : 2287716505 | 14.6 MB
Une meilleure connaissance de l’épidémiologie, des caractéristiques pathologiques, des cibles moléculaires couplés à des progrès des moyens d’imagerie ont conduit à des évolutions considérables dans la prise en charge des cancer du rein. Les tumeurs localisées sont découvertes à un stade plus précoce. Le concept de surveillance active émerge. Des traitements mini-invasifs comme la cryothérapie ou la radiofréquence pour des cas sélectionnés sont maintenant accessibles. Les indications de la néphrectomie partielle ouverte élective s’élargissent et la néphrectomie partielle laparoscopique puis robotique sont en cours d’évaluation.


Henri, le Chat Noir The Existential Musings of an Angst-Filled Cat

Free Download William Braden, "Henri, le Chat Noir: The Existential Musings of an Angst-Filled Cat"
English | 2013 | ISBN: 1607745100 | EPUB | pages: 96 | 7.1 mb
This gift book is a collection of photos and quotes from Henri, the existential cat whose ennui has captivated people all over the world. Through his series of short films and interactions with an enthusiastic online community, Henri’s contemplation and disillusion with the world has struck a chord with millions of fans. Now, finally, we have a collection of Henri’s musings in his own words featuring never-before-seen photos and quotes. This book is a window into the tortured soul of the world’s first feline philosopher.


TikTok Capire le dinamiche della comunicazione ipersocial

Free Download TikTok: Capire le dinamiche della comunicazione ipersocial
Italiano | 2023 | ISBN: 8836013880 | 160 Pages | PDF | 2 MB
Il testo propone un inquadramento teorico scritto pensando oltre le rigide griglie del linguaggio specialistico e arricchito da uno sguardo interdisciplinare (sociologia, media studies, semiotica, linguistica). I capitoli presentano una suddivisione tematica: i formati e i generi audiovisivi, il sound e la musica, la moda e i personaggi, la lingua e il gergo, la sessualità e le modalità di autorappresentazione. Il volume si rivolge a quanti vogliano comprendere TikTok al di là del suo funzionamento tecnico e della sua monetizzabilità, approcciandolo come oggetto culturale a 360 gradi: professionisti della comunicazione e del marketing, studiosi e studenti dei corsi di comunicazione, creativi e content creator.


Le Kendo. Techniques, entraînement, règles

Free Download Claudio Regoli – Le Kendo. Techniques, entraînement, règles
Edition De Vecchi | 1996 | ISBN: 2732826758 | French | 190 pages | PDF | 30.54 MB
Les sports martiaux, et tout particulièrement le kendo, connaissent un véritable engouement et nombreux sont aujourd’hui les amateurs qui se dirigent vers un dojo, pour s’entraîner mais aussi pour y retrouver l’essence d’une sagesse antique et orientale.


Le Corbusier, the Dishonest Architect

Free Download Malcolm Millais, "Le Corbusier, the Dishonest Architect"
English | 2017 | pages: 281 | ISBN: 1527502996 | PDF | 5,1 mb
This is not a book for architects, but for all those that have suffered, consciously and unconsciously, from modern architecture and have wondered how it came about. This was largely due to one man, an architect called Le Corbusier. For some he was a genius, but the truth is he was a sham, a fake, a charlatan whose only gift was for self-publicity. He was the most influential architect of the second half of the twentieth century; his influence overwhelmed the architectural profession on a global scale, who swallowed his publicity whole, and still hold him in awe. For the rest of the world, the mere mortals, his influence was disastrous, as traditional buildings were destroyed and replaced by featureless boxes of varying sizes, imposing a dreariness hitherto unimagined. As usual, it was the poor who suffered most as they were herded into tower-blocks. These were often grouped into estates that ringed many towns and cities, which then degenerated into high-rise slums with all the well-known attendant social problems. This book exposes the myths that surround Le Corbusier, detailing the endless failures of his proposals and his projects. These were due to his profound dishonesty, both as a person and as an architect. His legacy was an architectural profession that believed, and still believe, they were designing buildings based on logic, functionality and honesty whereas they were doing the opposite.


The Secret Life of John le Carre [Audiobook]

Free Download The Secret Life of John le Carre (Audiobook)
English | ASIN: B0BT6W2X66 | 2023 | 4 hours and 29 minutes | M4B@128 kbps | 249 MB
Author: Adam Sisman
Narrator: Sean Barrett

The extraordinary secret life of a great novelist, which his biographer could not publish while le Carré was alive. Secrecy came naturally to John le Carré, and there were some secrets that he fought fiercely to keep. Adam Sisman’s definitive biography, published in 2015, provided a revealing portrait of this fascinating man; yet some aspects of his subject remained hidden. Nowhere was this more so than in his private life. Apparently content in his marriage, the novelist conducted a string of love affairs over five decades. To these relationships he brought much of the tradecraft that he had learned as a spy-cover stories, cut-outs and dead letter boxes.


Monsieur le Comte und die Kunst der Täuschung

Free Download Monsieur le Comte und die Kunst der Täuschung
Deutsch | 2023 | ISBN: 3426530872 | 385 Seiten | EPUB (True) | 1.2 MB
Lucien Comte de Chacarasse hat seinem Vater am Sterbebett ein Versprechen gegeben: Er wird die Tradition des Adelsgeschlechts seiner Familie fortsetzen und geheime Aufträge für bezahlte Morde entgegennehmen – und sie zur Zufriedenheit seines Onkels zum Abschluss bringen. Das aber ist nur mit Tricks und unter Vortäuschung falscher Tatsachen möglich. Denn: Lucien hat einen Vorsatz gefasst: Er bringt keine Menschen um. Dabei hat er von klein auf die Kunst des Tötens gelernt – nun ist eine andere Kunst gefragt: jene der listigen Täuschung.
