Tag: Mindvalley

MindValley – The Science of Great Sex Download 2024

Free Download MindValley – The Science of Great Sex with Dr. Amy Killen Download File Links
The Science of Great Sex is an 11-day online program for transforming your sexual health: and in turn many key areas of your health, happiness, and even lifespan.

On each day you’ll join leading sexual medicine practitioner Dr. Amy Killen for an easy-to-follow video lesson revealing the science-based tools, techniques, and simple lifestyle shifts that make a major impact on your sexual and overall wellness.
In just minutes of training a day, you’ll experience profound shifts in your quality and quantity of sex. How you think about sex, and how it makes you feel. And even in all the areas of health and life that great sex is scientifically proven to enrich.


MindValley – The Art of Manifesting Download 2023

Free Download MindValley – The Art of Manifesting Download Links 2023 ⭐✅ ⭐✅
MindValley – The Art of Manifesting The Art of Manifesting is a 27-day program that awakens your fullest ability to envision your desires, realize them at lightning speed, and embrace your role as the architect of your dreams and your life.
On each day, you’ll join Regan Hillyer for a 15 – 20 minute video lesson guiding you through her signature manifestation exercises, mindset tools, and Soul Work that transform you step-by-step into a master of conscious creation. As you move through the program, you’ll explore the truth about what manifesting really is (and what it isn’t). You’ll experience profound identity shifts that turn fast and easy goal achievement into your second nature. And most importantly, in just 27 days you’ll step into a new way of living and creating: where your every desire flows to you and for you, and even your wildest dreams become inevitable.


MindValley – Mystic Brain Download 2023

Free Download MindValley – Mystic Brain Download Links 2023 ⭐✅ ⭐✅
Master your neurochemicals, and in turn your life
Through leading-edge neuroscience, the Mystic Brain program guides you through today’s most effective, efficient, and lasting process for creating transcendent bliss and peace in your daily life.
Stress, anxiety, and inner turmoil can now be banished from your daily routine. In their place, you gain total freedom to choose your emotional states, while maximizing your feelings of wellness, productivity, and oneness with the Universe.
Unlike the average spiritual program, there are no arcane or mysterious arts to get confused by. And even ancient practices like meditation are stripped of all unnecessary dogma, so only what truly works is retained and amplified.
Instead, you’re guided through accessible, rewarding, science-based transcendent practices you’ll use daily to master the seven key brain neurochemicals silently shaping your life:


MindValley – Breathwork for Life Download 2023

Free Download MindValley – Breathwork for Life Download Links 2023 ⭐✅ ⭐✅
SOMA Breath founder Niraj Naik as you master breathwork techniques that awaken your healing and longevity mechanisms: and elevate your brainwaves to peak focus, inspiration, and connection in just 14 days Breathwork for Life is a 14-day online program for extraordinary health, longevity, peak performance, and spiritual bliss by mastering the simplest of all bodily functions. On each day you’ll join SOMA Breath founder Niraj Naik for an immersive bite-sized lesson, as he guides you through the signature SOMA breathing techniques, meditations, and subtle lifestyle shifts that transform your breath into an infinite source of healing and wellness. In the program you’ll quickly discover that optimal breathwork is not hard: and that by following the right gradual steps, it will come to you as effortlessly and naturally as how you’ve breathed all your life. By the end of the program, you’ll emerge with a permanently transformed relationship with your breath: and a toolkit of techniques and practices you’ll use for a lifetime to breathe into a better you.


MindValley – Sixth Sense Superpower Download 2023

Free Download MindValley – Sixth Sense Superpower Download Links 2023
Sixth Sense Superpower is a 20-day online program for reclaiming, amplifying, and forging unconditional trust in your intuitive intelligence. On each day, you’ll join Sonia Choquette for a 20-minute video lesson, as she guides you through her signature tools and techniques for embodying your new intuition-driven life. The key focus of this program is self-driven experience. Your biggest breakthroughs won’t be learned or intellectualized, but rather felt through immersive encounters with your inner voice – and the instant clarity, courage, and creative energy you gain through them. And by the end of the 20 days, you’ll be fully prepared to embody your new intuition-driven life: where you are your greatest guide, and the path to growth and fulfillment is always clear. Awaken your intuitive intelligence in 20 days through a signature process designed by Sonia Choquette and Mindvalley

  • You’re guided inwards, where you’ll discover how to quiet your brain, communicate with yourself on a vibrational level, and find the ON switch for your intuition.
  • You begin experiencing your intuition for yourself – not just with your mind, but holistically with your heart and soul through breathwork, meditation, and other sixth sense modalities.
  • You’re then given the tools and techniques to amplify your intuition, and harness it in decision making, creative thinking, problem solving, and other key areas of your life and work.
  • You’re trained to instinctively know the difference between emotional impulses that could lead you astray, and authentic and accurate guidance that comes from your intuitive intelligence.
  • And finally, you design a new intuition-driven life where your inner voice guides you in every moment of every day towards your best choices, outcomes, and opportunities.


MindValley – Total Self-Confidence Download 2023

Free Download MindValley – Total Self-Confidence Download Links 2023
Join Paul McKenna, leading hypnotherapist to rockstars and royalty, on a 15-day journey towards Total Self Confidence: powered by 3 of today’s most powerful technologies on the leading edge of psychological science The Total Self-Confidence program guides you through Paul McKenna’s signature science-based system for igniting your unconditional resilience and self-belief: The same one that has earned him universal acclaim among international business leaders, Hollywood celebrities, and millions worldwide. Just like how a world-class athlete or musician instinctively transcends fear, uncertainty, and adversity, and performs at their peak in any circumstance. You too are rewired to channel your peak disposition into every moment, every personal mission, and every interaction. The way you talk and carry yourself. Solve problems. Tackle your goals. Speak to people, crowds or individuals. And the way you ask for anything, whether it’s a raise or date: Everything changes when you reclaim your Total Self-Confidence


MindValley – Be a Modern Master with Deborah King

Free Download MindValley – Be a Modern Master with Deborah King
Could You Become a Modern Master? Learn the Spiritual Science of Ancient India
Best-selling author and spiritual teacher Deborah King spent years studying the ancient eastern practices of energy healing.
One of the tools she discovered, a tool unlocked 5.000 years ago, is called The Sutras. When initiating, sutras can invoke your Divinity from within and unlock your psychic gifts.
Here are 3 ways that becoming a Modern Master could help you advance on the path to higher spiritual consciousness and your best life:
1. Become a master of your mind. The spiritual science of ancient India offers the secrets of mantra meditation. The purpose of meditation is to still the mind; calm, cleanse, and refresh the body; and increase your connection to Spirit. If enough of us connect to Source and to each other, we will bring about a profound transformation of life on Earth.
2. Become a master of your unique gifts. Learn to look more clearly at your inner self, your experience, and your beliefs. Who are you and what is your connection to Source and to the world around you? What are you here to do and to give? Expanding your self-awareness with knowledge of the spiritual science of ancient India will give you greater resources for contributing to the healing of the world.
3. Become a master of your heart. Learn to step back from a fear-based outlook and embrace a massive shift in your energy that will affect every aspect of your life in a positive, heart-opening way. By focusing on the positive, healing qualities of love, compassion, and joy as directed by the spiritual science of ancient India, you will journey to a place of peace and calm where your dreams of good health, abundance, and fulfillment can be realized.
Apply the Vedic sutras to clear out energy blocks and past events. and connect with the high spiritual beings who are there to guide and protect you.
