Tag: Prophet

Order of the Anti Prophet (Building a $1M Instagram personal brand in 8 months) 2024

Free Download Order of the Anti Prophet (Building a $1M Instagram personal brand in 8 months) Download Links
Order of the Anti Prophet is an ambitious course that claims to guide individuals in building a $1 million Instagram personal brand within a remarkably short timeframe just eight months. The course promises a comprehensive package, including all the necessary documents, PDFs, and resources essential for achieving the proclaimed success. To access this program, potential participants are instructed to contact the course provider via email.
The course organizer asserts an impressive track record, citing access to over 100 terabytes of courses and boasting having closed more than 300 sales. This is presented as a testament to the organizer’s experience and success in the field. The individual further emphasizes the development of a reliable reputation, suggesting that their expertise can be trusted in guiding others toward building a lucrative Instagram personal brand.


Woman as Prophet in the Home and the World Interdisciplinary Investigations

Free Download R. Mary Hayden Lemmons, "Woman as Prophet in the Home and the World: Interdisciplinary Investigations"
English | ISBN: 1498542085 | 2016 | 298 pages | EPUB | 1127 KB
This first-ever interdisciplinary study of woman as prophet shows that, in these troubling times, ordinary women-especially Christian women-need to function as prophets by proclaiming, in word and deed, the indispensability of lovingly seeking the welfare of others. More specifically, social science shows that the person-centered love prophesied by women prophets is able to meet interpersonal challenges within the home and world, while philosophy and theology establish that women are able to excel as prophets due to the virtuous dispositions inculcated by femininity, the choice to be caring, a God-centered spirituality, and a pro-life humanitarian/personalist feminism that welcomes male collaborators. Facilitating the ability of Christian women to prophesy love are Baptismal graces, Thomistic virtues, and a much needed prophetic Marian ecclesiology based on what John Paul II calls the "prophetism of femininity."


Prophet and the Presidents

Free Download Gil Valentine, "Prophet and the Presidents"
English | ISBN: 0816324859 | 2011 | 384 pages | EPUB | 681 KB
The Prophet and the Presidents is a study of the influence of Ellen White upon the administrative leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church from 1887-1913. While enriching the understanding of a new generation of Adventists, it will deepen their appreciation for her work as they learn of the struggles and joys, pain and sorrow in the development of the church.


Images of Muhammad Narratives of the Prophet in Islam Across the Centuries

Free Download Tarif Khalidi, "Images of Muhammad: Narratives of the Prophet in Islam Across the Centuries"
English | 2009 | pages: 352 | ISBN: 0385518161 | EPUB | 2,1 mb
From one of today’s leading Muslim scholars, this compelling look at how the Prophet Muhammad has been portrayed throughout the centuries offers a fascinating history of the diversity of Islamic cultures and beliefs.


Jesus Miriam’s Child, Sophia’s Prophet Critical Issues in Feminist Christology Ed 2

Free Download Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, "Jesus: Miriam’s Child, Sophia’s Prophet: Critical Issues in Feminist Christology Ed 2"
English | ISBN: 0567658651 | 2015 | 328 pages | PDF | 4 MB
In Jesus: Miriam’s Child, Sophia’s Prophet Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza makes a unique contribution to two quite different discussions of Jesus the Christ. On the one hand, she looks at biblical christology from a critical feminist perspective in the tradition of liberation theology. On the other, she examines the feasibility of a feminine christology by considering such problems as Christian anti-Judaism, ideological justification of domination, religious exclusivism and the formation of patriarchal identity. Re-imagining the Jesus movement in a feminist key transcends the boundaries set by history, gender and doctrine. By assessing various Jesus traditions and interpretations in terms of whether they can engender liberating visions for today, Schüssler Fiorenza seeks to challenge and transform a Christianity dominated by masculinity and exclusivist theological frameworks so that it offers a vision of justice and well-being for all, the central image in which is the reign, the coming world, of God. This Cornerstones edition features a new extended introduction which takes into account the developments in the field since the work was originally published in 1994.


The Essential Belloc A Prophet for Our Times

Free Download The Essential Belloc: A Prophet for Our Times By Hilaire Belloc; Brian C. Robertson; Scott Bloch; C. John McCloskey
2010 | 322 Pages | ISBN: 1935302361 | EPUB | 1 MB
Hilaire Belloc was a poet, polemicist, and prose stylist without peer, but above all, an entire generation’s mighty champion for the Catholic faith. He was a prolific historian who authored many important works such as How the Reformation Happened, Europe and the Faith, and The Crusades.The Essential Belloc, a timely new compilation of his insights on religion, politics, Western history and culture, is perfect for Catholics struggling against secularism. Included are his lighter musings on the particular charms of towns and peoples throughout the world, the love of good food and drink, and the songs of camaraderie that go with them.This is the perfect book for those who know and love Belloc and for those not yet familiar with the brilliance and humor found in his prose.New from Saint Benedict Press.
