Tag: Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation Technology (Haworth Psychotherapy)

Free Download Glenn E Hedman, "Rehabilitation Technology (Haworth Psychotherapy)"
English | 1990 | pages: 188 | ISBN: 1560240334 | PDF | 212,1 mb
This volume informs physical therapists, occupational therapists, and rehabilitation technologists about the devices that are available today and provides important background information on these devices. Nationally recognized leaders in rehabilitation technology service delivery share their practical expertise. Each chapter provides sources-suggested readings and professional organizations-for further information on each topic. This volume will be useful in the future in giving professionals a method for seeing where new devices fit into the spectrum of assistive technology.


Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology

Free Download Robert G. Frank, Mitchell Rosenthal, "Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology "
English | ISBN: 1433804441 | 2009 | 504 pages | PDF | 46 MB
Updates and significantly revises the First Edition to account for fast-paced developments in the field. The importance of rehabilitation psychology is increasing every day, as more injured soldiers return from war and more elderly people develop chronic health conditions. This title covers rehabilitation in hospitals, rehab centers and programs, skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, ambulatory care settings, and schools. It includes sections on clinical conditions, assessment, clinical interventions, pediatrics, critical topics, and professional issues.


Rethinking physical and rehabilitation medicine New technologies induce new learning strategies

Free Download Rethinking physical and rehabilitation medicine: New technologies induce new learning strategies By Jean-Pierre Didier, Emmanuel Bigand (auth.)
2010 | 246 Pages | ISBN: 2817800338 | PDF | 2 MB
"Reeducation" consists in training people injured either by illness or the vagaries of life to achieve the best functionality now possible for them. Strangely, the subject is not taught in the normal educational curricula of the relevant professions. Reeducation thus tends to be developed anew with each patient, without recourse to knowledge of what such training, or assistance in such training, might be. However, new paradigms of reeducation are in fact possible today, thanks to advances in cognitive science and the development of new technologies such as virtual reality and robotics. In turn, they lead to the rethinking of the procedures of physical medicine, as well as of reeducation.The present book addresses primarily those professionals involved in reeducation: the clinician, kinestherapist, ergotherapist, speech therapist, psychometrician, clinical psychologist, and neuropsychologist. More generally, it addresses also those in occupations in physical rehabilitation and in both primary and ongoing education.The first part looks anew at reeducation in the context of both international classifications of functionality, handicap, and health and the concept of normality. The second part highlights the function of implicit memory in reeducation. And the last part, illustrated by practical examples, shows the integration of new cognition technologies in the new paradigms of reeducation. By its combination of theoretical approach and practical application, the work offers new therapeutic routes toward a better and more integrated functionality for the patient.


Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Treatment, and Case Management, Third Edition

Free Download Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Treatment, and Case Management, Third Edition By Mark J. Ashley
2010 | 1029 Pages | ISBN: 1420071947 | PDF | 18 MB
Since the bestselling second edition was published almost a decade ago, the field of brain injury treatment has undergone tremendous change, largely impacting access to treatment. But, while the healthcare marketplace has evolved, the needs of brain injury victims remain the same. With updated and expanded clinical coverage, Traumatic Brain Injury:


Rehabilitation and palliation of cancer patients

Free Download Rehabilitation and palliation of cancer patients: By Herrmann Delbrück
2007 | 438 Pages | ISBN: 2287728260 | PDF | 4 MB
Rehabilitation and palliation have become an essential part of modern comprehensive cancer care. This book contains experiences of the author and specific instructions how to assess, treat, and evaluate rehabilitation and palliation in cancer patients. There are many excellent text books in cancer management which provide therapeutic recommendations thereby influencing the disease. However, this book focuses on improving well being of the cancer patient versus curative measures. To improve quality of life for cancer patients has been the endeavour of the author for the past 25 years. This goal is the guiding theme throughout the book.


Electrochemical Rehabilitation Methods for Reinforced Concrete Structures – A State of the Art Report – Prepared by the Working

Free Download Electrochemical Rehabilitation Methods for Reinforced Concrete Structures – A State of the Art Report – Prepared by the Working Party on Corrosion of Reinforced Concrete By by Mietz, J. (Eds.)
1998 | 59 Pages | ISBN: 1861250827 | PDF | 4 MB
This is a state of the art report on two of the main electrochemical methods for the rehabilitation of reinforced concrete structures – electrochemical chloride extraction and electrochemical realkalisation. The principles, laboratory and field experience, effectiveness and long-term behaviour of the procedures are considered. Content:• Front Matter • Series Introduction • Preface • Table of Contents • 1. Introduction • 2. Scope 3. Mechanisms of Corrosion of Steel in Concrete 4. Electrochemical Realkalisation 5. Electrochemical Chloride Extraction 6. Side Effects 7. Aspects of Practical Application 8. Conclusions • References • Plate Section


Rohrleitungen 2 Einsatz, Verlegung, Berechnung, Rehabilitation, 3. Auflage

Free Download Rohrleitungen 2: Einsatz, Verlegung, Berechnung, Rehabilitation
Deutsch | 2023 | ISBN: 3662608030 | 1230 Seiten | EPUB (True) | 138 MB
Als Springer Reference bietet die nunmehr 3. Auflage des Fachbuchs Rohrleitungen 1 und 2 eine anspruchsvolle, wissenschaftlich fundierte Fakten- und Wissenssammlung, die sich auf den kompletten Bereich der Rohrleitungstechnologie erstreckt. Das Buch stellt eine unentbehrliche Hilfe zum konstruktiven Verständnis, zur Funktionsweise und zum Betrieb von Rohrleitungen aller Art dar.
