Tag: Reprint

Pulsating Stars A NATURE Reprint

Free Download Pulsating Stars: A NATURE Reprint by F. G. Smith , A. Hewish
English | PDF | 1968 | 100 Pages | ISBN : 1489961917 | 18.9 MB
THE discovery of the pulsating radio stars by Miss Jocelyn Bell, working with Dr Hewish at Cambridge, rivals the early classic discoveries of extraterrestrial radio sources in its importance and in its excitement. It may at first have seemed to be a lucky accident that the pulsars, as they are now called, should be detected first in an experiment designed to investigate the solar wind; the fact that for several months after the publica- tion of the discovery no other pulsars had been detected in any other radio observatory shows that the discovery followed naturally on the many years of work that Hewish has put into the study of another type of fluctuating signal, the interplanetary scintillation of discrete radio sources.


The Art of the Reprint

Free Download The Art of the Reprint: Nineteenth-Century Novels in Twentieth-Century Editions
English | 2023 | ISBN: 1009272047 | 232 Pages | PDF | 25 MB
A genuinely original work, The Art of the Reprint establishes the reprint as a vital area of study. In tightly curated encounters between extraordinary twentieth-century artists and beloved nineteenth-century novels, Clare Leighton travels to Dorset to minutely observe Thomas Hardy’s landscape for a 1929 The Return of the Native (1878); Rockwell Kent channels his many sea journeys into a 1930 Moby Dick (1851); Fritz Eichenberg transposes the churn and isolation of fleeing Nazi Germany onto Expressionistic engravings for Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (1847); and Joan Hassall elucidates a bright social world at miniature scale for a 1975 set of The Complete Novels of Jane Austen (1787-1817). Mediators between text and book and author and reader, these artists interpreted these novels and then illustrated their interpretations, stunningly and strangely, in wood, ink, and paper, for everyday readers.
