Tag: Soundiron

Soundiron Ancient Greek Winds KONTAKT

Free Download Soundiron Ancient Greek Winds KONTAKT | 3.79 GB
This collection captures the essence of the Hellenistic period with 9 traditional Greek woodwind instruments. Artifacts include single and double-reeded aulos flutes from bass to alto, as well as conch shell horns, brass salpinx horn, pan flute and plagiaulos.


Soundiron Orrville Pipe Organ KONTAKT

Free Download Soundiron Orrville Pipe Organ KONTAKT | 6.59 GB
The Orrville Pipe Organ is a classic pneumatic pipe organ with 1,224 pipes, 21 ranks, 3 divisions, 2 manuals, 18 stops and 31 registers. It was built for the First Presbyterian Church of Orrville, Ohio in 1963 by the venerable Schantz Organ Company.


Soundiron Hyperion Strings Solo Violins KONTAKT

Free Download Soundiron Hyperion Strings Solo Violins KONTAKT | 6.86 GB
This library features two violinists for life-like duets and layering options. With each player, we included a complete range of chromatic articulations, and an extensive collection of improvised melodic phrases in various styles, dynamics, tempos and keys.


Soundiron Hopkin Instrumentarium Woodentines KONTAKT

Free Download Soundiron Hopkin Instrumentarium Woodentines KONTAKT | 1.46 GB
Woodentines is an expressive set of wooden lamellaphones featuring a crisp and yet ponderously watery wooden essence that shines warmly. It offers a flexible palette of musical colors with intuitive layer mixing, filters and custom FX to spark your creativity.


Soundiron Hopkin Instrumentarium Miago Trod KONTAKT

Free Download Soundiron Hopkin Instrumentarium Miago Trod KONTAKT | 3.71 GB
Built by instrument inventor Bart Hopkins, Miago Trod is a giant resonating lamellaphone that’s tuned chromatically and played percussively. Its mysteriously bassy and metallic timbre is ideal for your next scoring project that needs something truly unique.


Soundiron Hopkin Instrumentarium Metaltines KONTAKT

Free Download Soundiron Hopkin Instrumentarium Metaltines KONTAKT | 7.02 GB
Metaltines is a nuanced and expressive selection of metal lamellaphones, featuring the Mallet K 1 & 2, Sit or Play, and T-Rod-On-Tine. It offers a wide spectrum of playable articulations, ambiences and custom FX presets to give you complete musical freedom.


Soundiron Mercury Boys’ Choir Elements v1.5 KONTAKT

Free Download Soundiron Mercury Boys’ Choir Elements v1.5 KONTAKT | 1.9 GB
Mercury Elements is an exquisitely recorded boys’ chorus, handpicked from the most essential parts of our comprehensive Mercury Symphonic library. It includes sustains, staccatos and lush sound-designed choral atmospheres and pads, wrapped in an intuitive GUI.
